We can use ing forms (e. drinking, singing, smoking, running etc. ) not only as verbs, but also like adjectives, adverbs or nouns. When ing forms are used as verbs. The distinction between gerund and present participles is not recognised in modern reference grammars, since many uses are ambiguous. The French present participle is the verb form that ends in ant and is less common than in English. It may be an adjective, gerund, noun or verb. How can the answer be improved. I agree with what others have said that a gerund is an ing noun and a present participle is an ing adjective. In a nutshell, a gerund is a noun disguised as a verb. Learn about the present participle in English grammar and the different scenarios and meanings for which it's used. State whether the ing forms given in the following sentences are participles or gerunds. In the case of participles, name the noun or pronoun they qualify. In A verb ending in ing is either a present participle or a gerund. These two forms look identical. The difference is in their functions in a sentence. The three verbals gerunds, infinitives, and participlesare formed from verbs, but are never used alone as action words in sentences. Instead, verb The term present participle is sometimes used to include the gerund; and the term gerundparticiple is also used. Its tough to know the difference between gerunds and present participles in English just by looking because they both consist of the. Nov 07, 2017I think helping is not a gerund but present participle which means that him is not a subject but an object noun itself for the phrase proud of, not a subject. Mar 07, 2013Gerund vs Participle In English language, there are instances when verbs are used as parts of speech. These verbs are then called verbals. There are three Participles are words formed from verbs that can function as adjectives or gerunds or can be used to form the continuous tenses and the perfect tenses of verbs. This handout provides a detailed overview (including descriptions and examples) of gerunds, participles, and infinitives. What is the difference between a gerund and a participle? In English, the present participle has the same form as the gerund. Directions: Each sentence contains an underlined verbal phrase. In the box below each sentence, identify the verbal as a present participle or gerund. The gerund and the present participle have identical forms. They are both formed from verbs and end in ing. However, they have different uses. Learn about present participles in Spanish, gerunds, and how to form regular and irregular present participles in Spanish with this article. May 03, 2006Gerunds are the nominal forms (noun forms) of verbs, that is, verb forms in ing used as nouns. Present (and past) participles are adjectival forms of verbs. In most IndoEuropean languages, the Gerund and the present Participle are different, but in English they merged around the time of the Mode Since the simple gerund and the present participle have the same form (verbing), sometimes it can be difficult to decide whether an ing form is a gerund or a. Snowboarding can be a gerund or a present participle. When snowboarding is a gerund, it acts like a noun. It can be a subject, an object, the object of a preposition