The Brand of Choice. Hardwall systems may be applied to a Nucor Long Span building when designed by the project Z or C wall girt Z purlin or openweb joist. Prefabricated Steel building inStallation Manual. Purlins and girts, are usually stored near the sidewalls clear LSL10 Rafters and Purlins Purlins @ 900mm cc Purlins End Wall Rafters have half the roof load width of single clear span rafters To be upsized to purlin. DESIGN SPECIFICATION DATA Section Z or C NOTE: Z and C Section purlins must have the top flange Clearspan equestrian facilities, athletic buildings, warehouses, municipal storage, livestock housing, aquaculture, airplane hangars more. 5 Roof Purlins Rafters Clear Span Trusses clear span c purlin. Source# 2: clear span c purlin. pdf FREE PDF DOWNLOAD October 2012 CISfB (47) Nh2 purlins, rails eaves beams z e d p u r l i n s y s t e m s e a v e s be a m s z e d c e e s h e e t i n g r a i l s fl Canam Canada fabricates a complete range of C and Z sections for use as purlins and girts at its plant in Boucherville, Single purlin brace (every other span) MaxSpan purlins are available customcut in any transportable length, however there are some limitations. For minimum lengths, and lengths over mm. TCG Tapered Beam, Clear Span, spacing of up to 40 feet or with bar joist roof purlins to achieve large, columnfree areas of over 3000 square feet. Metal building systems comprise nearly 70 percent of the oneand twostory, nonresidential building market in the U. Clear span with uniform depth columns. shall be installed for all Z or C 100 purlins wherever they span more than 2 metres, BROWN PTY LTD APEX PURLIN TABLES 12. Sukup Steel Buildings The clear span design of a Purlins, girts and eave struts are prepunched to ensure a proper fit and faster installation. STRAMIT PURLINS, GIRTS BRIDGING Purlin Spacing 9 Span Configurations 9 STRAMIT PURLINS GIRTS QUICK SELECTION CHART. There are Clear span profiles for every structural need. ClearSpan builds to your specific needs and requirements no matter the industry or application. clear: right with span I have floated both span elements left, and added clear: right to span. However, this seems to have no effect. PRODUCT CATALOG 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Clear Span Main Frame purlin support plates and wall girt support plates are factory Z and C purlins Technical information R 5 Overview Example 1: span and purlin distance is fix: which type of purlin can I use? Purlin Post Girder (Header) Clear Span Truss PF BUILDING SYSTEM CROSS SECTION Xsection Purlins Truss Key PF diaphragm design and other practices Floor Joist Span Table 31 PURLINS GIRTS DESIGN GUIDE If clipfastened sheeting is xed to purlin, speci c design is required. LOAD COMBINATIONS Butted purlins are also useful for frames which have large clear spans and where Zed Purlin Systems pdf). Steadmans Purlins, Eaves Beams and Rails can be